Sweet are the uses of adversity;

which, like the toad, ugly and venomous,

wears yet a precious jewel in his head.

A Brief Guide to Alternative News Media

A Brief Guide to Alternative News Media

For years I’ve been telling friends and family (and anyone else who will listen) to stop following mainstream media (MSM). While I genuinely mean all kinds of media, the one I emphasize the most is the news. I make this suggestion for two reasons: (1) the news tends to report shocking, tragic and depressing stories more than uplifting and life-affirming ones — an improper balance in a healthy info-diet; and (2) it’s riddled with lies and propaganda that unconsciously shape the way we think.

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Coronavirus Chaos Theory

Coronavirus Chaos Theory

It has been roughly three months since the initial stages of the coronavirus outbreak. A great deal has happened over this time, and with the George Floyd/Black Lives Matter protests now blanketing the news, it can be easy to forget how we got to where we are today. While it is abundantly clear to me at this stage that Covid-19 is a cover for a larger agenda, I understand that many will consider this to be a conspiracy theory. The suspicions I expressed in March, however, have since transformed into full-blown incredulity and my rejection of the official narrative has further crystallized.

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Lessons from 9/11 and Rejecting the 'New Normal'

Lessons from 9/11 and Rejecting the 'New Normal'

The world changed three weeks ago and it’s becoming more and more evident that it’s going to be difficult to return to the way of life we once knew. Fear and disbelief have spread like wildfire as one by one, nations around the world lock down their borders and isolate their citizens to fight the COVID-19 virus. Like everyone else, I’m still processing what is happening and trying to make sense of this devastating global event. You’re probably sick of even thinking about “the virus” at this point, but I hope you’ll consider some of the less discussed corollary issues that I outline in this essay.

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